Shout Out Time….

…..Yes, it is time for me to thank some very special people who, without their assistance, this project could have been quite painful.  So without further ado, let the thanks begin!!!

BJG (Shout Out)

First Up: God….

…..While it is evident throughout my website and writings, I truly could not have done any of this had God not blessed me with such an awesome gift; Amen!

Next Up: My “I.T.” Peeps….

…..Thanks goes out to Ms. June “the Buhg” Helderle for she claimed my domain name for me seven-years ago when I first thought about starting my own business.  June not only believed in me then but also while she was away in Guyana with the Peace Corp.  Yes, she maintained everything for me while away.  Needless to say, June jumped on-board as soon as I emailed her back in March about overhauling my website.  In short, without June, this platform would not be here.  With that said, to my friend of twenty-two years, thank you for all that you have done, doing and will do.  I hope to pay it forward someday via your volunteer endeavors!

…..Thanks goes out to Ms. Terri “My Sister in Christ” Gray {Andres} for since 2006, my friendship with Terri has morphed into something truly special.  From her “right-on-time-prayers” to her “reality-check straightforwardness”, Terri has been that type of friend that only God can bless you with.  Just like June, Terri was on-board with my project from day one.  She was actually somewhat of a catalyst or as I like to say; my confirmation.  With that said, Ms. Terri, I pray that God will continue to pour out His blessings upon you; especially your new business venture {}.

Next: My Decision Panel….

…..A special thanks goes out to the people I harassed via email in the “wee-early” hours of the morning with a set-deadline response time: Octavia M. Thomas, Pamela L. Roper, Robert D. Stewart, and Stephanie S. Thomas!!!  Not only that, they were pretty much in the dark regarding the things they were giving me feedback on.  In short, thank you all for helping make important decisions regarding my business and ministries.

Next: The Law….

…..As always, my dear friend Mr. Bert Gates was there ready to assist me as I drafted a very important legal document.  I am not only thanking Bert for his assistance but also for his enthusiasm regarding my project.  I will forever be indebted to you:)!

Next: The Social Media Guru….

…..Never say never; yes, I still believe that Ms. Christine Villarreal should be a lawyer.  I say this for Christine and I met while working towards earning our paralegal degrees.  Needless to say, when I shared the details of my project with Christine she went right to “social media” {I was always anti-social media}.  After listening to her arguments as to why I “must” utilize these platforms, I did some research and have decided to officially enter the social media networking realm.  Yes, I will be partaking in a weekly Twitter two-step.  With that said, thanks Christine for your ongoing support/encouragement and I look forward to seeing you walk down the aisle next year!

Next: Icon Printing – Chicago….

…..As always, Brian and his team never disappoints.  In short, they worked diligently on a key element of my project while being kept in the dark.  Needless to say, they handled their business!!!  {}

Last But Certainly Not Least: My Family & Friends….

…..Yes, I know that I kept most of you in the dark as I worked on this project.  However, I thought about each of you while the work was being done.  With that said, I hope that you all know how much I appreciate all of your support over the years.  Wishing all of you continued blessings and much happiness!!!



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